This prompt is about generating a Python script that can create a simple loop for MIDI file manipulation. It aims to generate a code that is understandable to individuals having basic Python background but not necessarily familiar with MIDI file handling. The response should be in the form of step-by-step instructions starting from library imports to downloading it as a MIDI file. The generated code should be well commented and a brief explanation of the code functionality should be provided at the end.
###Instruction### Your task is to generate Python code that creates a simple loop usable in a MIDI file. You MUST cater to an audience that has a basic understanding of Python but may not be familiar with MIDI file manipulation. Break down the task into a sequence of simpler prompts, starting with importing necessary libraries, creating a simple loop, and finally saving it as a MIDI file. Make sure your code is clear and well-commented. At the end, briefly explain the functionality of the code. If the code spans more than one file, generate a Python script that can be run to automatically create the specified files or make changes to existing files to insert the generated code. ###Question### Can you generate Python code that creates a simple loop for a MIDI file, ensuring it is understandable for someone with basic Python knowledge but potentially unfamiliar with MIDI file manipulation?
import midi
# Create a Pattern instance
pattern = midi.Pattern()
# Create a Track instance
track = midi.Track()
# Append the track to the pattern
# Create a NoteOnEvent
note_on = midi.NoteOnEvent(tick=0, velocity=20, pitch=midi.G_3)
# Create a NoteOffEvent
note_off = midi.NoteOffEvent(tick=100, pitch=midi.G_3)
# Add the end of track event, append it to the track
eot = midi.EndOfTrackEvent(tick=1)
# Save the pattern to disk
midi.write_midifile('example.mid', pattern)
The above python code represents creation of a simple note in a MIDI file. The note starts at tick 0 (start of the track), with a velocity (volume) of 20, and a pitch of G in the 3rd octave. The note ends at tick 100. The EndOfTrackEvent denotes the end of track.